Founder & Practitioner, Registered Physiotherapist

Rod Mitchell


Clinic owner, Rod Mitchell has an active approach to his ongoing education.  A physiotherapist since 1979, he graduated from Leeds School of Physiotherapy in England.  He is certified in Acupuncture through the Acupuncture Foundation of Canada, and has completed the university of Alberta’s Certification in Medical Acupuncture.  Rod completed a two-year course in orthopaedic medicine with Curtin University (Perth, Australia).  He has continued his acupuncture studies through the U of A acupuncture group and with the Canadian College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and Pacific Rim College here in Victoria.

Rod’s exercise rehabilitation has been influenced by studies with the Norwegian Physiotherapy Association and with the Canadian Coaching Association in in Association in Athletics and Olympic Weight Lifting.  He has a specific interest in injuries sustained in motor vehicle accidents and the nature of chronic pain.  Both of these areas being part of his studies with Curtin University.

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